Assessment & Rating/Re-rating/Gap analysis/Hand holding
The subsidy provided by the Government of India for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises will be 80%, 60% and 50% respectively. There shall be an additional subsidy of 5% for MSMEs owned SC/ST/women and MSMEs located in NER and J&K for assessment & rating/re-rating/gap analysis/hand holding:
a) Assessment/Rating by empanelled Credit Rating Agencies/other Agencies valid for 4 years (Ministry of MSME will subsidize* 80% of Micro, 60% of Small, 50% of Medium Enterprises’ Certification Fee: average 70% of Fee) (Assessment Fee Rs. 10,000/-& Rs 80,000/- per enterprise respectively for Desktop Assessment and ZED rating Complete Assessment).
b) Additional rating for Defence angle i.e. Defence ZED by empanelled Credit Rating Agencies/other Agencies valid for 4 years (Ministry of MSME will subsidize* 80% of Micro, 60% of Small, 50% of Medium Enterprises’ Certification Fee: average 70% of Fee) (Assessment Fee Rs. 40,000/- per enterprise.)
c) Gap Analysis, Handholding, Consultancy for improving rating of MSMEs by Consultants through QCI/NPC, Field formations of O/o DC-MSME viz. MSME-DI, MSME-TC including its autonomous bodies, BEE etc. (Ministry of MSME will subsidize* 80% of Micro, 60% of Small, 50% of Medium Enterprises’ Consultancy charges: average 70% of Fee) (Hand holding charges Rs. 1.9 Lakh per enterprise whereas in case of MSMEs owned by SC/ST entrepreneurs additional support of Rs 10,000/- will be provided.)
d) Re-Assessment/Re-Rating by Credit Rating Agencies & Other Agencies (Ministry of MSME will subsidize* 80% of Micro, 60% of Small, 50% of Medium Enterprises’ Certification Fee: average 70% of Fee) (Assessment Fee Rs. 40000/- per enterprise.).