Monday MARCH 1, 2021
Grain Africa Congress
Grain Africa Congress began in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.”GRAIN AFRICA – Africa Grain, Pulses and Technologies Congress ” that Parantez Group organized with the cooperation of the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture and Addis Ababa University began on 29th October 2014. The opening of the congress was performed by H.E President of the FDR of Ethiopia Dr. Mulatu TESHOME, Tefera DEREBEW,H.E Ambassador of Republic of Turkey Mr. Osman Rıza YAVUZALP, Scientific Director of AAIT of Addis Ababa University Prof. Young Kyun KIM and General Director of Parantez Group Mrs. Zübeyde Kavraz.AFRICA GRAIN, PULSES AND TECHNOLOGIES CONGRESS aimed to bring together the senior officials and ministers in 54 African countries and grain sector representatives with the world’s leading technology companies began on 29th October 2014 in African Union Conference Hall and it will last until 31th October 2014.
While there was an intense participation, the opening of the African Grain Congress was performed H.E President of theFDR of Ethiopia Dr. Mulatu TESHOME, H.E Minister of Agriculture of FDR of Ethiopia. Mr. R.S. Choyal from India presented a discourse on Organic Milling and the new technology development in organic stone ground Flour mills. He presented new digitally operated stone mill ” Wonder Mill” and stone dressing machine. He explained the various issues on modern Milling and conventional Milling. Mr. Choyal enlightened the house on the issues of skill development as well as small business entrepreneurship. He invited African millers and research fellows to Choyal School of milling Technology under cultural exchange program. Many participants greet Mr. Choyal for most practical presentation for farmers and youth